2,001 km
2,001 kilometres of bends. Navarre is the odyssey...

10 routes to discover Navarre

El Bacalao (185 km)

Warm up yout engine on the A-15 and then prepare yourself to enjoy the beautiful mountain countryside, the windy mountain road of Lizarrusti, the stunning Nature Reserve of Aralar and the Urbasa mountain range.

El bebé (171 km)

We drive towards the north, over what has been called "The Navarrese Switzerland": Lovely oak woods, pasture lands, and the big old Basque houses that are typical of this area.

La pajarita (187 km)

We will drive over the south-east of Navarre, over small mountain passes arount the Yesa water reserve and drive through some of the most important towns of the province, over a fast, comfortable route that ends in Pamplona.

El Pato (224 km)

This is a mountain route over the north-eastern quarter of Navarre, with beech woods, pine woods and high pasture lands. On the last leg we will see the gorges and defiles of the pyrenean tributaries that run to the Ebro river.

El Tiburón (201 km)

We drive over Belate, the doorway to the Pyrenees, to then drive a winding road down to the sea, before heading back to the Navarrese mountains, ending the route in Pamplona.

La Hoja (200 km)

We drive around the south-east of Navarre, where we find castles and medieval villas. The route runs at times parallel to the Canal de Navarra, over local roads with little traffic on them, and ends in Pamplona.

La Mariposa (226 km)

From the Etxauri high point we drive through vineyards and olive orchards, and go through some historical towns and villages that stand on the last leg of the Way of St James.

Elvis vive (195 km)

This route rides on the border between the two Navarres, from the ondulation green hills of the Baztan valley to the heights of the central Pyrenees of Navarre, with a little step-over into France, to St Etienne de Baigorri.

El Cocodrilo (100 km)

Short route over a wild, green, wooded Navarra under the Pyreneean mountain range.

Osasuna guiando al pueblo (307 km)

Route that takes us over the plains of the Rivera of Navarre, with long straights on the roads, open countryside and historical towns.


Las rutas off-road (fuera de la carretera) son una serie de recorridos por Navarra que se alejan de las carreteras convencionales para adentrarse por algunos de los parajes más más bonitos de Navarra. Se trata de rutas para hacer en todoterreno, moto, y están especialmente diseñadas para quads, boogies ó motos de trial y cross.

A continuación le mostramos unas rutas off-road que hemos diseñado para que puedas sacarle todo el partido a Navarra de esta manera tan especial:

Ruta Alto de la Muga (54 km. - La Ribera)

Ruta Bardenas (78 km. - Bardenas Reales - La Ribera)